Thursday, 30 August 2012

How Long Does It Take To Get To Know You?

You expect your friends and most especially your family to know you. Know what you like, know what your dislikes are, know how you feel about eating garden pea's. Its the kind of information that should be easy to answer. But I have learnt this week that there are plenty of instances of people who know you well who don't know you at all.
For example, my flatmates kids. Whenever a birthday or Christmas or Fathers Day comes around I get phone calls from the kids asking if I have any idea what dad would like for said occasion.
Living with somebody should give you a good idea of what a person likes but I have found in this case the kids can reel off a dozen things dad doesn't like but when it comes to what he does like, what he is about they seem to have no clue.

Another case in point is my birthday. I've been invited for dinner  with people who have known me for 24 years. On the menu, pasta and no doubt a heavy helping of wine.
I don't eat pasta, In fact I loathe it entirely. For me the texture just doesn't sit right in my mouth. I don't eat tomatoes either. They're squishy.
As for wine unfortunately that's the one area where I shall never grow up. I'm allergic to wine.
They all know this and yet every time I am there I get offered glasses of the stuff.
Is it politeness to keep offering or is it that the "I'm allergic to wine it will make my throat swell up and require a trip to the emergency room" not a clear enough indicator that I don't want the wine? Ever.
After 24 years I'd expect these people to have some clue about me.

So I am facing the prospect of a birthday dinner where I won't be eating because at 40 I really shouldn't have to sit there and eat just because it's in front of me. Apparently it was reiterated that I don't eat pasta but everyone else at the dinner does so that is what is staying on the menu. I can have the Italian vegetable side that is being served with it.

Usually I'd just shrug this off. People make mistakes. But after 24 years?
It makes me feel somewhat invisible.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Empty Hangers.

Having talked about a wardrobe overhaul for what seems like forever I finally committed myself to this task this morning. And although the sun may be shining outside it was still freakin cold in my bedroom. Goose pimples on very white thighs, not exactly my best look ever.
My first cull produced 26 now empty hangers.
It amazes me just how much junk we keep stashed in our wardrobes.
Why do we feel the need to hang on to things that don't fit us anymore or things that we just plain don't like?

I have discovered that Yes I have the wardrobe of an adult Emo. Looking down the list of things still available for me to wear it reads in almost one shade. Black. Black, Black, Black. With an occasional but rare glimpse of red.

Where are my ever faithful neutrals?
Where are the tops and bottoms that will get me through the next season?
I read fashion magazines on a weekly basis. Clearly they are not having the desired effect.
Although I confess I knew I was in a rut, the stark truth of the matter is that not even I could fathom the depth and breadth of that rut.
Until now.

When a check of your wardrobe reveals that you are down to three serviceable blouses and a lot of mismatched separates you really do have to resign yourself to going back to basics and rebuilding your wardrobe piece by piece.
Step one, the cull is now complete.
Step two involves combining the pieces I do have into outfits and photographing them for future reference.
I find this makes it easier to visualise what I can do with my existing pieces.

Step three is the fun part. Retail Therapy just in time to use my birthday as a great excuse. 

Monday, 27 August 2012

How Do You Save The Weekend?

So this is a problem I've identified. The weekend.
Usually this is when couples,singles, aliens visiting from outer space get out and enjoy what their city has to offer.
Me, I seem to have fallen into the pj's all weekend and DVDs.

In my defence it has been raining here for just over a year and so the urge to get out and enjoy oneself is limited. There's only so much donning of sensible waterproof shoes and braving the cold a girl can accomplish.
But the weekend routine has become a rut I really need to get out of. 
The sun has finally decided to make an appearance once again.

With this in mind naturally a girls mind goes to thoughts of a summer wardrobe. 
Going through what passes as my wardrobe I find that I am in need of well, everything.
First step is naturally getting my hands on the September issue of Vogue. 
There's something utterly genius about Anna Wintour. She's definitely one of my style icons, as is Diane Keaton. And while I can't hope to emulate their style or their budget I think approaching the ripe old age of 40 that the time for younger inspiration has past.

This year I'm hoping to introduce more colour into my wardrobe. 
I wear so much black I could be the poster child for middle aged Emo's. 
However there is light at the end of this dark as midnight tunnel. 
I was walking past a shop the other day and the window display caught my eye.
White pants, a navy and white striped Breton top covered by a red summer weight cardigan.
It caught my eye due to the colour but straight away I thought dated, obvious, too easy.
After all I live within sight of a lake and a marina so nautical style, maybe not.

Stripes and me have not had a favourable history.
Whenever I wear stripes I feel like one of those wine barrels with the metal hoops around them, you know the ones made by convict men called coopers. 

For some reason the Breton top is resonating with me as a way to revitalise my summer wardrobe. Naturally I'd prefer my Breton to come from Brittany but what's a girl to do?
A long as I can find a reasonable version without awful embellishments (read anchor motifs, stripes in any colour other than navy, ribbons, bows or pockets)  I'll be happy.

For my 40th birthday there are dinners planned, Numerous functions at which I have to appear dressed in ...... something. other. than. pajamas.!
Over the next two weeks my mission is to go through my wardrobe, throw out all of those hopeful items hanging in my closet hoping against hope that I'll lose weight. Introduce new items that fit, that co ordinate and give me options for a dressed in clothes weekend lifestyle. 

40 is my "grow up" deadline.


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Commitment -not just a word jilted lovers use at the therapist.

I used to be so good at this. Sitting down on a daily basis and posting.
A few years on and I find that by the time I have something to say it's yet another day gone by.
The biggest problem with starting any new blog is the thought, "Is anybody out there?" or "Am I just writing blindly into an empty cyber space?"

My last blog was a cornucopia of items, meme's, generally a riot of opinion not always well received. And isn't it funny that most people who object to a blog post enough to comment on it rarely leave their name, preferring instead to hide behind anonymous.

This blog is aiming to be something extremely different. The grown up version of my previous musings. 

In less than a month I turn 40.
This milestone typically throws a woman into the path of such revelations as belly fat, the out dated hairstyle, wondering how now to dress and still be on the fashionable side of prudence. Because lets face it those thigh high lace up motor cycle boots that you love so much only work on the celebrity 40 year old.  
Fashion magazines start to become slightly irrelevant. Sure those dreamy floaty muslin peasant tops look great matched with smaller than daisy duke cut off's but honestly your thighs aren't what they used to be. Yet the thought of teaming them with a skirt seems some how a bit mumsy.

I confess I'm not a skirt wearer. In my youth I was known for the trademark black mini skirt dubbed by one and al as the nappy. Those days are long gone. 
I missed the whole fashion for yummy mummy's as I haven't had children and so that transition from being a child to bearing children hasn't affected me. 
I breezed straight on through those late twenties early thirties as the brat in black. 

Career wise I've been for the most part a jeans and boots wearer.No corporate suits for me.No intricate routine of hairstyle and makeup over the last twenty years so the more mature dressing is still an enigma to me.

And lately pajama's have been the fashion go to's most of the time. Combining depression with Seasonal Affective Disorder means I want to be warm, comfortable and left alone.
Not conducive to getting out and having a life. You know you are pretty far gone when you find yourself doing your shopping in your pj's. 

So how to turn this around?
Do I look for celebrity inspiration? The fact that Julia Roberts looks amazing and she's four years older than me? Probably won't help. After all its easy to be motivated when you've already got a full life, a personal trainer and the added benefit of acting for a few weeks for a few million dollars. 
Nope that's not going to get it done. 

One foot in front of the other, steely determination, inspiration of a more natural sort, dare I say it, will power? The catalyst is out there, I just have to find it.