Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Commitment -not just a word jilted lovers use at the therapist.

I used to be so good at this. Sitting down on a daily basis and posting.
A few years on and I find that by the time I have something to say it's yet another day gone by.
The biggest problem with starting any new blog is the thought, "Is anybody out there?" or "Am I just writing blindly into an empty cyber space?"

My last blog was a cornucopia of items, meme's, generally a riot of opinion not always well received. And isn't it funny that most people who object to a blog post enough to comment on it rarely leave their name, preferring instead to hide behind anonymous.

This blog is aiming to be something extremely different. The grown up version of my previous musings. 

In less than a month I turn 40.
This milestone typically throws a woman into the path of such revelations as belly fat, the out dated hairstyle, wondering how now to dress and still be on the fashionable side of prudence. Because lets face it those thigh high lace up motor cycle boots that you love so much only work on the celebrity 40 year old.  
Fashion magazines start to become slightly irrelevant. Sure those dreamy floaty muslin peasant tops look great matched with smaller than daisy duke cut off's but honestly your thighs aren't what they used to be. Yet the thought of teaming them with a skirt seems some how a bit mumsy.

I confess I'm not a skirt wearer. In my youth I was known for the trademark black mini skirt dubbed by one and al as the nappy. Those days are long gone. 
I missed the whole fashion for yummy mummy's as I haven't had children and so that transition from being a child to bearing children hasn't affected me. 
I breezed straight on through those late twenties early thirties as the brat in black. 

Career wise I've been for the most part a jeans and boots wearer.No corporate suits for me.No intricate routine of hairstyle and makeup over the last twenty years so the more mature dressing is still an enigma to me.

And lately pajama's have been the fashion go to's most of the time. Combining depression with Seasonal Affective Disorder means I want to be warm, comfortable and left alone.
Not conducive to getting out and having a life. You know you are pretty far gone when you find yourself doing your shopping in your pj's. 

So how to turn this around?
Do I look for celebrity inspiration? The fact that Julia Roberts looks amazing and she's four years older than me? Probably won't help. After all its easy to be motivated when you've already got a full life, a personal trainer and the added benefit of acting for a few weeks for a few million dollars. 
Nope that's not going to get it done. 

One foot in front of the other, steely determination, inspiration of a more natural sort, dare I say it, will power? The catalyst is out there, I just have to find it.

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