Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Empty Hangers.

Having talked about a wardrobe overhaul for what seems like forever I finally committed myself to this task this morning. And although the sun may be shining outside it was still freakin cold in my bedroom. Goose pimples on very white thighs, not exactly my best look ever.
My first cull produced 26 now empty hangers.
It amazes me just how much junk we keep stashed in our wardrobes.
Why do we feel the need to hang on to things that don't fit us anymore or things that we just plain don't like?

I have discovered that Yes I have the wardrobe of an adult Emo. Looking down the list of things still available for me to wear it reads in almost one shade. Black. Black, Black, Black. With an occasional but rare glimpse of red.

Where are my ever faithful neutrals?
Where are the tops and bottoms that will get me through the next season?
I read fashion magazines on a weekly basis. Clearly they are not having the desired effect.
Although I confess I knew I was in a rut, the stark truth of the matter is that not even I could fathom the depth and breadth of that rut.
Until now.

When a check of your wardrobe reveals that you are down to three serviceable blouses and a lot of mismatched separates you really do have to resign yourself to going back to basics and rebuilding your wardrobe piece by piece.
Step one, the cull is now complete.
Step two involves combining the pieces I do have into outfits and photographing them for future reference.
I find this makes it easier to visualise what I can do with my existing pieces.

Step three is the fun part. Retail Therapy just in time to use my birthday as a great excuse. 

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